Monday, May 16, 2011

Types Of Parrots

The cuddly and cute parrots are the colorful members of the bird kingdom.  They are among the most popular pets throughout the world.  These family pets are loving and affectionate and easy to care for. They are considered as true companions and help to relieve stress.  The tradition of keeping birds as pets has been in practice for thousands of years. Even though the exact origin of parrots has not been settled, some fossil records provide incomplete details of its history of evolution.
There are more than 350 different species of parrots scattered throughout the southern and northern hemispheres.  Most of these parrots are found in the tropical and subtropical regions especially in Amazon and Australia. Parrots generally prefer to live in forest habitats even though some species like cockatiel live in open country areas.
There are different types of parrots.  The most common types of parrots are:
  1. MACAWS: Colorful Macaws are intelligent, flamboyant and captivating birds and needs well training if you prefer to keep it as a pet.
  2. CONURES:  These friendly and peaceful parrots are famous for its playful nature and sweet dispositions.
  3. COCKATOOS: The sweet nature of Cockatoos makes it a favorite parrot among many people.  They are easy to bond with humans and love to be cuddled.
  4. PARAKEETS:  These small parrots have many variations with different colors.
  5. COCKATIELS: These cheerful birds are the best for the first time parrot pet owners because of their sweet and non-moody nature. Besides, Cockatiels are not very demanding parrots.
  6. BUDGIES: Short word for budgerigar, Budgie is a green and yellow parrot of Australia and a wonderful pet bird because of its gregarious, smooth and entertaining nature.

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